Home >samsung >The European Union will propose in September a common regulation on mobile loaders


Time: globisoftware

On: Nov/13/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Do all Samsung phones use micro USB?

After the summer holidays, in September, the European Commission, the Executive Branch of the European Union, will launch a proposal for smartphones manufacturers to offer a common solution of mobile loaders.This proposal will arrive after a decade promoting the creation of a common loader for mobile phones

Basically, one of the few companies that will be harmed if this legislation comes forward is Apple.According to a 2019 study, commissioned by the EC, only a light connector is used in 21% of the phones, the remaining 79% being terminals that use the micro-USB or USB-C port.The source did not give more details about the drafting of the legislation, but we already know that the legislators of the European Parliament voted in favor of a common charger.

Apple, Samsung, Huawei and Nokia signed a memorandum of voluntary understanding to harmonize the loaders of the new smartphone models that came to the market in 2011, which resulted in a significant reduction in the number of different loaders and a convergence of the market towardsUSB 2 connections.0 micro-b.

La Unión Europea propondrá en Septiembre una normativa común sobre cargadores de móviles

Apple has declared that a universal solution "would harm innovation" and create "a mountain of electronic waste" if consumers were forced to change charger.He also declared that the industry is naturally moving towards the USB-C port, so any direct regulation would be unnecessary.Remember that while Apple continues to use its light port port on iPhone, at least this cable ends up connecting to a USB-C port loader.

It must also be taken into account that the study was conducted a long time ago, and basically any modern smartphone or uses the USB-C port or the lightning if it is Apple.

Via: Euraactiv