Home >iphone >Why is it very difficult (or almost impossible) that you have a virus on your iPhone


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More users who think are wondering how to know if they have a virus on their iPhone or iPad.And in recent times, there are certain web pages that launch pop-ups with the intention of deceiving the user and letting him download an app or registering at a payment service to protect his device.In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

The short explanation: there is no virus on your iPhone or iPad

This is the short explanation.Under normal conditions, an iPhone or any iOS device cannot have virus.We understand by virus A:

A software that aims to alter the normal operation of the computer, without the permission or knowledge of the user.Viruses, usually replace executable files by others infected with the code of this.Viruses can intentionally destroy the data stored on a computer, although there are also other harmless ones, which only produce discomfort.

En condiciones normales, un iPhone o un iPad no pueden infectarse por un virus

iOS is the operating system of your iPhone or iPad, of which Apple carries strict control and security.Among other security measures, Apple uses sandboxing to isolate processes and apps, preventing system failures, errors and apps from performing unauthorized actions.IOS also has an app store as the only way to install apps on its devices, a store that is under direct Apple supervision: each app is reviewed before being approved.A point that Epic Games has wanted to break through third -party stores, but lost by facing Apple in a recent trial.

That said, your iPhone or iPad is not free of 100% virus threats.No operating system is sure at all.

The long explanation: iOS is not infallible

Por qué es muy difícil (o casi imposible) que tengas un virus en tu iPhone

Security measures created by Apple to prevent virus entry into your iPhone or iPad are not perfect.IOS can still have errors without discovering and without a solution by Apple, but that certain hackers do know and find out how to exploit for their benefit.These errors are not frequent, since Apple constantly tracks their systems in search of them, to correct them as soon as possible.

A well -known example was the Pegasus case several years ago.More than an iPhone virus, it was a malware or malicious code that takes advantage of this type of errors to obtain unauthorized access to certain characteristics and functions of a device, as we said then:

[Pegasus] provides access to cameras, microphones and GPS.But it is also able to register the activity in messaging chats, videoconference and other media

En 2015 se descubrió una serie de vulnerabilidades de iOS aprovechadas para espiar a ciudadanos por parte del gobierno de Arabia Saudí, unos errores corregidos ya por Apple

But you don't have to worry about this concrete failure, because Apple corrected it many years ago with iOS 9.3.5.In the case of apps, there have also been some with dark intentions that have sneaked into the filters and review of the App Store.Apple reacted quickly by an iOS security update to limit its negative impact as soon as possible.Other platforms do not have as simple to correct problems as in the case of the iPhone and Apple.

What can I do to avoid viruses on my iPhone

If you worry about the possibility that your iPhone or iPad becomes infected with a virus or malware, these are the recommendations that we can give you:

Other options such as installing an antivirus app will only waste time and money.Those sold in the App Store as antivirus actually have functions that are already integrated into your iPhone or iPad, such as photo protection, backups or the search for the device when it is lost.

Horror!I think my iPhone has a virus

The upper image is the typical pop-up that appears on some doubtful (or legitimate) web pages with the intention of deceiving and that you pay to "free" virus that does not exist.Something that is not necessary because the most normal is that your device is not infected.Apple explains how to solve this problem in iOS if it becomes persistent:

If the emerging element does not close or reappear, you can press the smart search field and enter a new URL or a search term.You can also close the tab directly: click then in that tab.

If your case is different and you think you can have a virus on your iPhone, try the following:

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This is all we can tell you if you wondered how to know if your iPhone has a virus.For any questions, you can leave us a comment below.

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