Home >iphone >Using an iPhone may not be as safe as you think


Time: globisoftware

On: May/03/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can someone hack my iphone?

Although many iPhone users consider their devices impossible to hack, that is actually not the case, as recent years have shown that our smartphones, whether they are iOS or Android, can be exposed to a wide variety of threats. different threats.

In a new blog post, NordVPN has pitted the two most popular mobile operating systems against each other and revealed that while iOS is indeed more secure than Android in terms of hardware and App Store, it can still be attacked.

For example, in August 2019, security researcher Ian Beer of Google Project Zero discovered a type of stealth vulnerability in several iPhones and other iOS devices that allowed an attacker to remotely reboot and take control of them. . By breaking this vulnerability, it was possible to read emails, download photos, and even spy on users through their microphone and camera. But luckily Apple released a fix for this issue and all updated devices are now completely safe.

NordVPN digital privacy expert Daniel Markuson provided more information on this vulnerability and its implications when it comes to iOS security; he said:

Puede que utilizar un iPhone no sea tan seguro como piensas

“This case has shown that no one is really safe. And while there are no recordings of hackers using this vulnerability, Apple users should be more careful and perhaps even forget the myth that iPhones can't be hacked."

iPhone Security

One of the most common ways to gain control of your iPhone, or at least your Apple ID, is by finding out the password. This can easily happen if you reused your password across multiple accounts and it ended up being added to NordVPN's list of most common passwords.

For this reason you should avoid reusing passwords and make sure you create a strong, unique and complex key in each of your accounts. And while you can use a password generator for that, most password managers now have that feature, as well as letting you store and sync your passwords across all your devices.

Aside from breaking security boundaries or guessing passwords, cybercriminals can also gain access to your iPhone through simple human error. For example, someone could send you a suspicious link or use a fake web page to try to steal your credentials. And by the same token, an app might request unnecessary permissions to access location services or your phone's camera.

Finally, keep in mind that hackers often use public or unprotected Wi-Fi networks to steal personal information, so you should always protect your iPhone with a VPN when connecting to networks away from home.

In conclusion, although the Apple iPhone may be more secure than other Android smartphones, the tricks and tools used by cybercriminals can compromise the accounts or devices of anyone, regardless of the brand of their mobile phone, so our online security is something we should all start taking seriously.