Home >iphone >This is how a mobile is hacked using only the charging cable


Time: globisoftware

On: Apr/06/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can the iphone be hacked?

Charging cables seem like one of the most innocent accessories of phones and those that do their job without further complication: you plug it into the light, you connect it to the phone and it charges. It turns out that they can now be used to steal information from you without you even realizing it.

We are facing a new generation of physical devices that can compromise almost everything that happens on the mobile to which it is connected and one more reason not to trust anyone who lends you a phone charger.

It is the same thing that already happens with USB chargers or even USB sockets that are in bars or on public transport: do not trust them because they may have been modified to infect your mobile or steal information.

Así se piratea un móvil usando solamente el cable de carga

Its creator, a developer nicknamed MG, has baptized it as the OMG cable, a nod to the expression of surprise and disgust 'Oh my god' (oh my god' in English).

The modified cable to charge the iPhone can intercept information because it has a receiver chip inside and a wireless transmitter that communicates with a nearby phone or computer up to a maximum distance of 1.5 kilometers.

The most impressive thing is that, in appearance, it is exactly the same as the cable with which an iPhone is charged. Its creator originally presented it as a blueprint in 2019, but now it is fully ready and has demonstrated it in various videos on YouTube.

The intentions of the creator of the cable are positive: he wants to sell them for just the opposite, as an additional security measure; but in the right hands, both malicious hackers and state espionage agencies, a cable that goes unnoticed but broadcasts information from a distance is something with enormous potential.

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