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WhatsApp has a trick to recover deleted audios.Nacho CastañonOmicrono

Software Apps

WhatsApp has a hidden trick that allows you to recover all audio, both sent and received, which have been mistakenly deleted and directly from the application itself.

9 julio, 202102:36
Nacho Castañón

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WhatsApp is one of the most widely used applications in Spain, and over time has become the main means of communication with others. Despite this, the platform does not offer a complete experience, as there are many functions that it does not have and its competitors do. However, thanks to its myriad tricks, some of these shortcomings can be solved, such as one that allows for the retrieval of deleted voice messages.

If a trick was previously revealed that allowed to recover messages that had been deleted in a chat, that is, through an app; now a new hidden shortcut does the same with voice messages and directly from WhatsApp. Therefore, to carry out this process in the vast majority of situations it is not necessary to download any other apps.

WhatsApp is an application that allows you to communicate with others in different ways, from text messages to video calls or voice notes, among others. Sometimes, however, due to the large number of messages received, some of these items can be deleted by accident, even on purpose. If you need to retrieve a voice message, there's a hidden trick for it.

How to recover a deleted audio?

Omicrono El truco de WhatsApp para recuperar un audio borrado por error

The messaging application provides a wide variety of functions, and is really useful for immediate communication or for sharing audios or images. One of their most appreciated functions is the possibility of deleting messages, even before the other person reads them.

To perform the trick you have to access the mobile 'files' app. Nacho CastañonOmicrono

If for some reason you got to delete a voice note, there's a trick that allows you to get them back. In addition, in the vast majority of cases there is no need to download another application, so it is totally safe. A shortcut that, due to the steps it requires, is only compatible with an Android device, as the iPhone is encrypted and cannot access the corresponding folder.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the Android mobile phone must have a folder that allows access to the inside of the smartphone. If this is not the case, you can always download any 'files' application from the Google play store to access the WhatsApp sections. After that, just follow the following steps:

Clear audios

Once these steps have been completed, you can now hear a voice message that has been deleted. In addition, this trick is also interesting to make a clean one, that is, to permanently delete those audios or messages that do not want to be kept on the phone.

Listening to an audio removed from WhatsApp.Nacho CastañonOmicrono

By removing them, you also get to release storage space from the phone, so it's a really necessary action when you barely have any memory available. Voice notes have become one of the most widely used functions since their arrival at WhatsApp, as they allow instant communication with other users.

A function that is sometimes used to send important and urgent information, which would take a long time to write. With the aim of improving voice messages, since the beginning of June, WhatsApp added the possibility of increasing playback speed, specifically at three different speeds: 1X, 1,5X and 2X.

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