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PlayStation 5. Manuel FernándezOmicrono


Hackers have managed to hack the PS5 software to jailbreak it. This opens the door to hacking games or applying mods to the PlayStation.

10 November, 202111:54
Manuel Fernandez

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The term jailbreak may sound familiar to you. It is the term that became popular when users began to hack iOS on iPhones to allow, among other things, to install third-party stores or install games outside the App Store. Some hackers are close to achieving this with the PlayStation 5.

The hacker group Fail0verflow has claimed to have gained access to the root keys of the PS5 software, which has allowed them to hack the firmware of the console. A firmware, broadly speaking, is a small program that controls the hardware circuits of a device. It basically takes care of the hardware and that it works properly.

Being able to access the firmware, hackers are able to modify it at will in order to jailbreak them by applying reverse engineering to develop all kinds of hacks. Thus, complete operating systems, emulators or pirated games could be installed, according to Wololo.net.

The PS5, deciphered

Omicrono Primeros pasos para piratear la PlayStation 5: logran hackear las primeras consolas

Another one bites the dust 😎 pic.twitter.com/Y1ty93AvaE

— fail0verflow (@fail0verflow) November 8, 2021

As if that were not enough, Andy Nguyen, a Google security engineer, managed to access the console's debug configuration menu. Both advances were achieved last weekend. At least on paper, these two events would give a hacker complete control over a PlayStation 5 and its software.

Obviously, Sony does not want this to happen. Therefore, it is more than likely that it will release software updates or patch the system of future batches of PlayStation 5 to close the vulnerabilities that would have allowed cracking of the firmware and access to the debug menu. Thus, it will prevent hacks from being spread by users, and that piracy ends up affecting the console, so for now, nothing will change for the current owners of a PlayStation 5.

There won't be a jailbreak soon

#PS5Share pic.twitter.com/xem0A7i3rC

— Andy Nguyen (@theflow0) November 7, 2021

Although it is true that they are worrying facts, they are not for PS5 buyers, at least for now. And it is that developing a functional jailbreak, which users can also install, is very complicated and takes time. To make matters worse, neither Fail0verflow nor Nguyen have published details about their procedures, and it is not known if they will. Not doing so makes it very difficult for other hackers to imitate your achievements and develop these jailbreaks.

In fact, Wololo clearly specifies that Fail0verflow, which already managed to hack the PlayStation 4 software, didn't release any previews of it until Sony started patching its consoles. Except for surprise, these events will not plunge the PlayStation 5 into piracy, as happened with other consoles such as the Nintendo DS. For now, since it will be necessary to see what positions these hackers adopt before the more than predictable response from Sony.

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