Home >iphone >Go to Android, Google's response to Apple iOS


Time: globisoftware

On: Oct/30/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: I do not remember the iPhone access code

I do not think there are those who are surprised that Google is working to move to Android (Move to Android), an app with a fairly explanatory name and that therefore, as you will have deduced, it has the function of acting as an assistant for those for thoseiPhone users who, at some point, decide that they have already had enough of Apple's smartphone and, consequently, decide to make iOS jump to an Android -based terminal.

But let's go to the origin: both companies, Apple and Google, have always sought ways to attract users of the other platform to theirs.I remember, for example, many years ago, a guide signed by Eric Schmidt, Google CEO between 2001 and 2015 and current president of the company, in which it indicated the simplest steps, at that time, to migrate from iOS to iOSAn Android phone.That the company's own CEO published a text like that was, at least, surprising.

The main response, by Apple, was to create to iOS, an app that you can find in the Android application store and that tries to facilitate the migration from one platform to another, a very intelligent movement, and that surprisingly had not foundReplica so far.Until now, as we can read in 9to5google, the company of the search engine is already working on the Move to Android function.

Pasar a Android, la respuesta de Google a Pasar a iOS de Apple

Specifically, the passing function to Android would be added to the Android data restoration tool, which allows migrations between two devices with the Google operating system.And the new function has been detected by examining the code of a beta version of the same.It is important to clarify this, because it is possible that the function finally does not arrive, but given the existence of passing iOS, it is most likely that Google will continue with Android.

In addition to some direct mention to go to Android, and its hypothetical presence in the Apple app store, what they have found when analyzing the guts of said beta, is that this assistant would be able not only to transfer data from iOS to Android, butthat I would also try to do the same with the apps or, at least, with those that are available on both platforms and that, obviously, are not paid.

An interesting aspect is that the operation would not be carried out through cable or with a PC in between.To use Android, and after installing the app on the iPhone, the user should establish a connection between both devices through WiFi, specifically in a specific network start -up, and in which the terminal with Android would beThe access point.Then it would be necessary to use a shared security key between both devices, as well as enter an additional key to migrate certain content.

I must admit that I am curious to know how android could go to skip certain security limitations of iOS to access some of the data that would pretend to migrate to Android.And it is that the strict security policy of the Apple operating system raised certain doubts.