Home >iphone >The best application to verify the Covid Certificate and download it to the mobile: Corona Warn-App


Time: globisoftware

On: Feb/03/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: i cant download apps on iphone

With the rise in the use of the Covid Certificate, and its progressive obligation to enter commercial and leisure premises, it is convenient to have it downloaded on the mobile after verifying that it works correctly. For this there are several separate methods and an application that solves the ballot for everything related to the Covid Certificate: Corona Warn-App.

The health alert has not subsided even though we have overcome the various waves, it is advisable not to lower our guard once we are verifying that the different variants of Covid 19 continue to occur. Social distance continues to be one of the best medicines, also vaccination and maximum hygiene, through masks. In addition, there is a tool that seems to aspire to become essential: the Covid Certificate. You should download it as soon as possible so that you have it in case you need it.

Save the Covid Certificate and check its validity

Corona Warn-app for iPhone

In Spain we have an application dedicated to tracking possible positives, Radar Covid, but the Government has not developed another type of software related to the disease as other European countries have done. Italy, Switzerland or Germany have applications with which to get more out of the Covid Certificate, one of the weapons against the expansion of the Coronavirus. And, despite the fact that the Government of Spain does not offer similar software for mobile phones, users can take advantage of that of other countries.

In Xataka MóvilThe Covid Certificate for Apple Pay and Google Pay: so you can order it in Passbook format from the Health website

Of all the mobile applications related to Covid that we have tested, the best is, without a doubt, one of the German apps: Corona Warn-App. This application offers everything you need to manage the Covid Certificate and make it as difficult as possible for the spread of the Coronavirus: apart from checking the validity of the Certificate, and allowing you to save it on your phone, it also works as a tracking app.

Corona Warn-App is developed by a group of German companies in collaboration with the Government of that country. The application is created in open source, it is 100% secure, it can be used in all European countries that offer the Covid Certificate and it is very easy to use. It only has one but: it is in English (apart from German, of course).

The application brings together a multitude of functions, including reporting the spread of the disease (for the different German regions). Of course, the functions that interest us the most are two: saving the Covid Certificates and verifying them.

Corona Warn-App on Android

Corona Warn-App is a safe, official, ad-free and 100% private app. It is developed under Open Source code and accesses the health databases of the European Union. We recommend downloading it if you want to save all your family's Covid Certificates on your mobile with the option of checking their validity at any time. It is suitable for both Android and iPhone.

