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20 comentarios David Bernal Raspall @david_br8

One of the novelties of Macos 12 Monterey is to allow us to share the screen of our iPhone or iPad via AirPlay al Mac.A very useful mechanism to see the content on a larger screen without having to resort to a TV, which is not always available, nor to cables to connect external screens.Let's see how to use this useful function.

The possibility of using AirPlay in the MAC is one of Macos Monterey's many novelties.An operating system that now allows us to receive both audio and video from our iOS devices and quickly show it on a larger screen or play it on speakers, in general, more powerful.

Compatibility, configuration and recommended devices

Before entering the subject, let's see what devices are compatible with this functionality.From the MAC's point of view we will need to have a machine from those of this list:

Cómo compartir la pantalla de nuestro iPhone o iPad al Mac mediante AirPlay

These computers are able to configure as a airplay reception point.So you can receive the signal that we share from our iPhone or iPad.Airplay default should be activated in our Mac, but it is always a good idea to check that it is so.We will do it following these steps:

  1. En el menú Apple () elegimos Preferencias del Sistema.
  2. Entramos en Share.
  3. Si es necesario tocamos el candado de la parte inferior izquierda e introducimos la contraseña de nuestro Mac para poder realizar cambios.
  4. Activamos Receptor AirPlay.

It is important that we keep in mind that, by default, only the devices in which we have logged down with the same Apple ID that in the MAC can use AirPlay with the computer.If we want to modify this configuration we can do it by playing at Air Play receptor.We will see three options:

Let us also look that in all cases we can establish a password, to prevent unwanted emissions in certain environments.

As for the iPhone or iPad that we are going to use, practically all models will allow us to use AirPlay, although we do want to enjoy the maximum resolution we must go to the following:

A simple and very versatile system

Good.Seen the technical requirements, let's talk about how to use AirPlay on our devices, the process is the simplest.If we want to share our screen the steps are these:

  1. Accedemos al Control Center en nuestro iPhone o iPad.
  2. Tocamos el botón en forma de dos cuadrados entrelazados encima de los estados de concentración.
  3. Seleccionamos el nombre de nuestro Mac.

If what we want to share is the sound of our iPhone or iPad the steps are slightly different.Specifically these:

  1. Accedemos al Control Center en nuestro iPhone o iPad.
  2. Tocamos el botón en forma de abanico de la parte superior derecha del control de reproducción.
  3. En la parte inferior seleccionamos nuestro Mac.
En ApplesferaAsí es macOS 12 Monterey: nuevas funciones para controlar el iPad desde el Mac y Atajos para el escritorio

That easy.We already want to share the entire screen of our iPhone or iPad or only the sound we can do it very easily.A system that allows us to see some content on a larger screen, and that only requires a couple of steps.

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