Home >iphone >How to recover WhatsApp messages that have been deleted


Time: globisoftware

On: May/28/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can you retrieve deleted texts on iPhone?

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app but it's not the best. Among his many problems, messages and conversations are stored on your phone. So if you lose it or lose it, you can forget about it. To fix it, WhatsApp introduced the possibility of creating cloud backup. But they Don't always run or do it as often as they should. This is why we sometimes have doubts about how to recover WhatsApp messages.

Instant messaging applications like Telegram are designed to be used on various devices. Therefore, messages and conversations are automatically stored on Telegram servers. With WhatsApp this is not the case, despite having a client for Windows, Mac or Web. WhatsApp's history of conversations is stored on your phone. And if we activate backup, it also does it on Google drive or iCloud, depending on whether you use Android or iPhone.

Therefore, when you change your phone, it is not enough to enter your phone number or a user and password. WhatsApp recommends that you back up and restore it to the new device where you will use WhatsApp.

How to recover WhatsApp messages

The answer to this question is answered by what we have seen before. By default, the messages are stored on your phone. So from WhatsApp you'll see those conversations and groups. How to recover WhatsApp messages with other methods? You can also find that material if you dive through your operating system folders. On Android, for example, from file explorers it is possible to go to WhatsApp / databases and there you will find the conversations and messages files sorted by day. Specifically, WhatsApp keeps a daily copy and keeps it for seven days.

La segunda manera para saber como recuperar mensajes de WhatsApp es acudir a la copia de seguridad. En WhatsApp, desde Ajustes > Chats > Copia de seguridad puedes realizar una copia manual, comprobar cuándo se hizo la última copia de seguridad, etc. El problema aquí es que las copias de seguridad no siempre están configuradas con la periodicidad adecuada. De ahí que si buscas restaurar mensajes de WhatsApp recientes, tal vez no se hayan copiado todavía cuando los necesites.

Enable WhatsApp backup

Como recuperar mensajes de WhatsApp que han sido borrados

Si todavía no tienes activada la copia de seguridad de WhatsApp o no lo sabes y necesitas comprobarlo, deberás acudir a la propia app y luego ir a Ajustes > Chats > Copia de seguridad. Allí verás cuándo se hizo la última copia de seguridad y su tamaño y tendrás la posibilidad sobre como recuperar mensajes de WhatsApp.

You can ask for a manual backup yourself. And it is also possible to choose when automatic backup will be made: daily, weekly, monthly or deactivated. Another option to keep in mind is that you can include videos or not in the backup. If you include them, the copy will take up more space.

Another detail to keep in mind. By backing up, you consume data. If your mobile data plan is limited, try to back up WhatsApp with the phone connected to a WiFi point instead of exhausting mobile data.

External methods for retrieving messages

We've seen WhatsApp keeps the messages on your phone. By finding the right route, especially from Android, you can get them all back. You can also try your luck with online backup. But to do so you must make sure that the copy is up to date.

The two official methods of retrieving WhatsApp messages are not always practical, as we sometimes look not for old messages anymore but for recent messages. For recent WhatsApp messages we can go to the notification history. This method, however, only serves Android.

Android ofrece un registro de notificaciones donde podemos ver mensajes de WhatsApp que han aparecido en la pantalla de inicio de Android. Lo malo es que no está muy a la vista. Deberás pulsar durante unos segundos en algún punto de la pantalla. Luego pulsa en Widgets > Ajustes > Registro de notificaciones. Aparecerá en la pantalla de inicio y podrás pulsar en ella para ver dicho registro o historial.

Finally, there are apps for Android that will make it easier for us to recover WhatsApp messages. These apps will search for locally stored messages for us. There are the most varied. Among the most recommended are WAMR and WhatsRemed +. Both will help you recover WhatsApp messages but also multimedia content such as photos, audios and videos.

These apps already warn us what happens with accidentally deleted messages on WhatsApp. The old messages may be there, in a backup or in the local storage. But recovering a recent message is more complicated. It may not have been copied yet or the copy that kept it has already been deleted. However, as you have seen, there are several ways to recover WhatsApp messages.