Home >iphone >How to generate a new Apple ID recovery key on iPhone or iPad


Time: globisoftware

On: Oct/25/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: I do not remember the iPhone access code

The recovery key function of ICloud accounts disappeared for a while, but now Apple has recovered it and it is a fairly safe and useful method to restore the password of an ICloud or Apple ID account when you do not have access toTrust device for any reason.

The recovery key is a code of 28 digits that the Cupertino company devices automatically generate and that can be very useful in case you lose the Apple ID password.It is true that if you have the trust device the change of password will be very simple, but if you do not have this device for any reason the recovery key will be your great ally.

Thanks to this key you will avoid having to enter other information such as security questions or enter data from the payment methods you have used in the past.You will only have to introduce the recovery key and in a matter of seconds you can modify the password through which you prefer.

Of course it is very important that you keep your recovery key to a good collection, but if you have not done it or if you want to do it now generating a new key, you can do it from any device in which you have the Icloud or Apple ID session initiated following thesteps you will find below.

Replace the ICLOUD or Apple ID recovery key

Cómo generar una nueva clave de recuperación de Apple ID en iPhone o iPad

In order for the following instructions to work and can replace the Apple ID recovery key you must have a device with IO 14 or posterior in which you also log in with the Apple ID or ICloud account in which you want to change the recovery key.If you meet these two requirements, the steps to follow are the following:

  1. Abre la app Ajustes.
  2. Toca sobre la primera opción del menú, en la que aparece el nombre asignado a tu cuenta de iCloud.
  3. Accede al apartado Contraseñas y seguridad.
  4. Toca sobre el apartado Recuperación de la cuenta.
  5. Entra en Clave de recuperación.
  6. En caso de que no tengas activa esta opción activa la casilla Clave de recuperación y sigue las instrucciones en pantalla para generar la nueva clave. Si ya tienes la función creada y solo la quieres cambiar por no disponer de la anterior, toca sobre Crear nueva clave de recuperación.
  7. En la ventana emergente toca sobre Reemplazar clave de recuperación.
  8. Introduce el código de seguridad del iPhone o iPad.
  9. El dispositivo te mostrará la nueva clave de recuperación, anótala en algún lugar seguro. Cuando la tengas anotada toca sobre Continuar.
  10. Introduce la clave de recuperación y pulsa sobre Siguiente en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

Once you have followed these steps the key will have been changed and you can use the new one to change the Apple ID or ICLOUD account from the same device or from a different one.

It is important to remember that in order to do this you need to have a device in which the Session gives the Apple account initiated.Otherwise, you will not be able to use this function.In addition, you must also remember that if you forget the recovery key and you do not have access to any device with the session..

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