Home >iphone >How to know if my WhatsApp was hacked


Time: globisoftware

On: Apr/20/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can someone hack my iphone?

The online world, that wonderful space that connects us beyond limits, the tool that has made a revolutionary change in history… From databases programmed to contact anyone worldwide, to the implementation of luxurious virtual tourist events . However, nothing is perfect, everything has its vulnerable side. Has it ever happened to you that you thought your WhatsApp account was being spied on? Here we tell you how to know if my WhatsApp was hacked: some tricks to discover it.

How to know if my WhatsApp account was hacked by duplicating my account?

To find out if your WhatsApp account has been hacked, there are different methods you can use, but don't panic, this can be solved very easily, although you probably already knew that.

One of the methods used is to duplicate the account to use it on two devices, however, it is currently one of the least efficient techniques.

Will they be able to read my messages when I clone my account? The answer, probably yes. If they have access to your cloud data they can retrieve the chats stored there. Although cloning the account in order to be able to read and monitor messages sounds daunting, it is not a very effective option. As you know, when you activate an account on your mobile you should receive a code to verify the number, therefore, when you activate the service on another device and confirm the entered digits, the account used in the past will stop working, then the messages and calls will arrive only to the account that is active.

In the worst case scenario, if you suspect that someone has logged into your account, you will be able to tell easily, as when you open the application, you will see the following message in a small pop-up window: “This phone could not be verified because it was has registered your phone number on another device.”

Cómo saber si hackearon mi Whatsapp

To solve this problem, all you have to do is hit the "verify" button, and your account will be back under your control.

But you can stay calm, unless someone has had your SIM card in their hands for long enough to receive the verification code it is very unlikely to happen. In addition, the new security implementation of WhatsApp makes everything easier, thanks to that this method is getting further and further from being possible.

Tricks with WhatsApp Web

Another way they can use to "hack" your account is to take advantage of certain tricks with WhatsApp Web, this method is the simplest.

The only thing that the person (let's call them a spy) needs is to access a computer and have your mobile to be able to scan the QR code to log in. Although there is no type of notification that informs you at all times when someone is using your account on another computer, you have some clues to know, for example, it is not possible to open the same account on two computers at the same time, if this happens, A window will pop up telling you that someone else is using the account, but to fix this, just click on the button to log in from your computer.

Another clue that you have appears on the mobile, in case someone is reading your messages through this not very discreet trick, is that you will be able to notice the icon of a screen at the top of the mobile, if you slide to see information you will be able to notice that WhatsApp Web is active at that time.

There is a quick way to control which devices your account is open on, by pressing the option with the name "WhatsApp Web", we will have a list of all the devices on the screen, it shows the operating system, including the access dates, you will have all this data that will give you more clues. You can close any of the sessions and monitor them from now on.

Something useful and efficient to do is put a lock system on your mobile, be it a PIN, password or pattern. Opting for the option to add the number of seconds elapsed to activate an automatic block in that interval, is one of the best options so that nobody has the opportunity to access your account in the future.

Hack WhatsApp with spy apps

Another way to monitor a WhatsApp account is by using third party applications.

These allow the intruder to have access to your information, however, like the other methods mentioned above, it requires the hacker to have your mobile in order to install the application that will be his means of espionage.

This type of application exposes all the data stored on the platform, such as calls made or received, messages, multimedia files, and most of these software also perform functions as a keylogger, which records all the keys you have pressed.

But calm down! It is not difficult to discover if you have a spy application installed on your mobile. For example, if your device gets hot all of a sudden, or if it shuts down frequently without any explanation.

The bad news is that you will have to restore your device to its factory state, but if you have a backup it should not be a problem.

Even so, you should always be aware of the possibilities and inform yourself constantly to prevent this type of inconvenience.

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