Home >samsung >Is it necessary to install an antivirus on Android?


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On: Feb/27/2023

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Ricardo Aguilar @mrbrickerr

Use antivirus on Android or not, the big question.The role of these applications, especially at the level of mobile operating systems, can generate doubts, especially taking into account the multiple protection measures against malicious code that Google has launched, with a clear example in Google Play Protect.

That is why we wanted to deepen the subject, comment on some of the reasons why (or not) make sense when installing one of these solutions, as well as consulting with experts to offer us their point of view aboutof the usefulness of these antivirus.

More adoption rate, more prone to be attacked

En un primer vistazo a nivel de seguridad, encontramos datos que apuntan que Android es uno de los sistemas operativos con más vulnerabilidades de los últimos tiempos.

As we usually do, we are going to take a look at the numbers to, in the first place, get an idea of how the Android scenario is in security level.If we look at the Statcounter data, a 38.9% Android adoption rate of all operating systems is indicated, above Windows and folding iOS figures.There is no exact correlation between being popular and being attacked but the data suggests that it is.

In fact, a while ago we published that Android heads the list of the most vulnerable operating systems of the last 20 years with Windows.Coincidentally, the two most used operating systems in the world.Android attack cases are constant, despite the additional measures provided by Google.

Cuando hablamos de "virus" y malware en Android solemos pensar en aplicaciones maliciosas. No obstante, hay múltiples peligros distintos, como redes no seguras, ataques de phishing a través de correo o SMS y demás.

We have recent examples in malicious apps related to the Coronavirus, in Camscanner, an application that was withdrawn from Play Store after a Trojan is detected in one of its latest updates, malware that is automatically reinstated, etc..Similarly, attacks do not only deal with applications.Phishing is more common than we would like, with cases like that of the false mail SMS or supposed information from Movistar that really is phishing.

The summary is clear: Google is fighting against malware and attacks, but there are still cases.With this point on the table, it should be considered whether to resort to third -party software to go beyond what Google achieves can make sense or not, so we have consulted experts in this sector to contribute their vision.

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Antivirus is to add, according to the companies themselves

Luis Suárez, one of Kaspersky's engineers, has been able to explain why it makes sense to install an antivirus on Android.He tells us that Google's operating system has several points where he can be attacked, reminding us of Camscanner's famous case.A Trojan was raised to the application capable of stealing information and generating ads, something that Kaspersky herself reported to Google.

In the same way, we emphasize Google's difficulty in order to control applications updates.Once the application has passed the Play Protect filter it is not so easy to check its behavior in the consecutive updates.

¿Es necesario instalar un antivirus en Android?

"The" most pot "users are more dangerous because they install applications outside the Google store."

Also has the case of the most advanced users, those who install external repository applications without fear.This practice does not have to translate that we end up downloading malicious files, but points out that this type of user is more prone to being infected, since these applications are not always verified as it is due.

Los antivirus pueden comprobar archivos descargados fuera de Play Store, realizar análisis constantes del sistema, poner el foco en el phishing y demás medidas de seguridad adicionales

From Kaspersky they claim that betting on antivirus makes sense since it is an extra security measure regarding what Google Play Protect contributes.To protect in case of phishing campaigns (malicious link detection), check files downloaded outside the play, protect connections to prevent our data from filtering (case of your VPN), etc..We also emphasize something that has caught our attention: it ensures that the antivirus analysis is carried out at "non -invasive hours", in order to minimize the impact on the resources of the terminal, a feared point when using these tools.

We have also consulted Ajosep Albors, chief of consciousness and research of ESET, to learn another point of view.He tells us again that antivirus are to add and provide a plus regarding Google security measures.

"An antivirus can contribute more intelligence, greater analysis capacity.We dedicate ourselves to looking for threats."

Albors says that Play Protect analysis analyzes the app code at the moment in which it is uploaded.In the case of antivirus, their updates and connections that make, among others are analyzed, among others."Let's say Google's analysis is more static and that of the most dynamic antivirus".In other words, antivirus has a more active role regarding the constant detection of threats, while Google security measures act as a first filter.They can also contribute security for phishing, notify fraudulent pages, etc..

"Something that many people do not value is the topic of updates and technical support."

Something that attracts attention in the point of view of ESET is the aspect of technical support.Albors tells us that, "if something fails in your Android, who do you call?"An antivirus is supported by a technical support service, either by email or telephone, providing that extra with respect to Google security measures.

In short, he tells us that an antivirus provides greater capacity for analysis and possibilities, since they come to the hands of companies specialized in threat detection.

The point of view from the development of apps

Apart from with experts from the Antivirus field, we wanted to speak with Linuxct, collaborator of Xda Developers and Engineer.He can also give us a different and quite specialized point of view about the use of antivirus on Android.Linuxct tells us that, from a technical point of view, the biggest problem is that these antivirus programs are closed code, which prevents other people from validating that the actions they are taking are adequate.

For example, when antivirus intervenes and intercepJust in saying) and then using it for its own purposes (improving the product, showing ads more consistent with the person) or even marketing it...It is just an example of what these applications can do.In the end, all this depends on the supplier of the software and the reputation that it has, whether it is a free or payment solution (I am in favor of the said 'if you do not pay for the product, you are the product'), and above all theindicating in your terms and conditions of use.This is why I personally try to flee them.

It concludes that so the main point is to think about that it is likely that the use data can be used by the antivirus software manufacturer for their own interests or to sell them if they allow their terms and conditions of use.As an alternative, it proposes Open Source alternatives of repositories such as F-Droid, in which there are applications that supply the needs of an antivirus (such as monitoring the WiFi network, prevent telephone phishing, cleaning waste files, etc..).

Testing popular antivirus

Seen the point of view of the experts, we have tried some of the most popular antivirus of Google Play to offer our vision and reflect on them.All we have downloaded are free and we have been using them for a week.

In the case of Avast Mobile and Avg we find exactly the same duplicate application.At the level of operation, in our opinion, they leave something to be desired.It is especially annoying that they show problems of problems when absolutely nothing happens, however, if we have not done the analysis a few days or if we do not activate the protections that indicate us, a red warning will come out warning that we are in danger.Both apps promise to protect from ransomware, false applications, SMS Trojans, Spyware, Adware and others, so, at security level, they seem complete apps.

The functions to locate the device are also interesting, although everything must be done from our AVG or Avast account from the web, giving the relevant (all) permissions to the application so that you can locate the device and shoot with the front camera remote form.

Regarding Kaspersky's antivirus, we find a somewhat better experience.There are still notices for not having everything active, although at the analysis level it is much more customizable.We can make a quick apps analysis, one complete or one of the folders we want, a good detail.We can in the same way activate filters for calls and enable anti -theft functions, just like avast and AVG.In the same way, we can select what to do with the files that it detects as dangerous, establish analysis only for compressed files, etc..The app promises to protect against all kinds of malware.

The ESET application has as a positive point the transparency in the reports offered.We are detailed at what time each analysis has been performed, when the database has been updated and, an important point, analyzes the applications when updated.That is, if X app has already analyzed but this is updated, the analysis is carried out automatically.Similarly, it has an interesting analysis function of the domestic network, to know which devices are connected at all times to our WiFi network.Nor are the applications blockages and constant device supervision.

Avira antivirus adds to the notices that should not be sending.If we do not have all the options activated, including "performance optimizers", send notifications saying that you have detected problems.Its analysis brings together both the applications and the files of the device, being able to configure some of the categories in which it analyzes, but not the time or the days.We also have the application blocking and remote control option from our Avira account.

Antivirus is one more option, but it is not necessary

In our case, after consulting with experts and spending a few weeks using several antivirus, we can draw the conclusion that they are to add, especially at the level of connection protection, phishing and remote block of the phone.Regarding protection at the applications, it is true that they suppose an extra security layer, although if we download app directly from the Google application store we can be relatively safe that the application has no problems.

Los antivirus pueden ser útiles para sumar una capa extra de protección, aunque no es necesario tenerlos instalados para que nuestro móvil esté seguro

It is especially annoying how intrusive some antivirus can be, bombarding with notifications if we do not perform the analysis and showing ourselves as security problems not activating all their options.

The point of view of developers such as Linuxct must also be taken into account, which counted well the amount of data that antivirus can receive about us, since the amount of permits we grant them is not little.In other words, it is not necessary to install an antivirus if we want to be safe, although there is no problem if we want to use them as an additional layer.

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