Home >samsung >How does your mobile charge?So are the terminology and technology behind


Time: globisoftware

On: Nov/17/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Do all Samsung phones use micro USB?


As is evident, the more watts, the greater the power to which our smartphone is loaded, which must also endure this power.

That is, a mobile phone prepared to load 33 W, although we use a 50 W charger, will continue loading at its maximum speed.

Use of Gallium Nitride

As the chargers are increasing.

This is because thanks to the GAN.

The cables

Depending on the type of cable used, the load will be more or less fast, since the speed not only depends on the charger, but the cable also has a primary function.

That is, even if we place a very powerful charger to a cable that is not, the load speed that will reach the smartphone will be that of the cable.

The cable that is increasingly implanted in all the smartphones today is the so -called USB C, a model that physically differs from the USB micro in which it does not need a special way to place itself in the mobile phone adapter.

If you remember, the USB micro has a certain shape to enter the smartphone, while the USB C can be connected as one wants, it is not dependent in any specific way of placement.

Smartphones cables usually end in a USB USB or a micro USB, but the beginning is usually given in a USB of type A, although there are already some that carry another USB C.

The types of USB cables that exist today and their characteristics are left in this table.

Tipo de CableCaracterísticas
USB Tipo ATipo predominante en ordenadores y toda clase de periféricos. Han llegado hasta el estándar USB 3.1,
USB Tipo BEs un tipo de conector que suele estar ligado a impresoras y escáneres, aunque cada vez se ve menos. Existe el Tipo B convencional con estándar 1.0 y 2.0, mientras que también existe un tipo con USB 3.0.
USB Tipo CEs el más moderno de todos, el que se quiere implantar en los smartphones y ordenadores. Puede llevar hasta USB 4.0 y sistema Thunderbolt 3 un estándar alternativo a los HDMI convencionales.
Micro USBEl primer tipo de USB que se hizo más pequeño para conectar con periféricos de menor tamaño y smartphones. Actualmente deja paso al USB C.
Mini USBSistema anterior al micro USB que actualmente está prácticamente desaparecido.

There are different types of standards, four types being depending on the speed at which the data is transferred.We explain it to you in this table.

Tipo de USBVelocidades
USB 1.0La última versión de este estándar el a 1.1 que consigue una tasa de transferencia de hasta 1,5 MB/s.
USB 2.0Esta versión consigue velocidades de hasta 60 MB/s en teoría, aunque en la práctica se suele colocar en unos 40 MB/s
USB 3.0La última versión es la 3.2 en la que se llegan a conseguir 2,5 GB/s de tasa de transferencia.
USB 4.0Su velocidad de transferencia llega hasta los 5 GB/s

Power Delivery

¿Cómo carga tu móvil? Así son la terminología y tecnología que hay detrás

USB C has a standard that is called Power Delivery that gets up to 100 W, although for a few months it reaches 240 W speeds.We are talking about bidirectional energy capacity.

With this, absolutely fast load times are achieved, causing us to spend about hours carrying only minutes, a great advance in this type of devices..

Load on smartphone itself

In what is the smartphone we also have certain terms that should be known and understand them.

So that it is easier for us to understand everything that the manufacturer marks with respect to this mobile phone segment.


Possibly when reading the characteristics of your mobile or other model, you have read that the battery is, for example, 4.000 mah, that is, milliamp.

A milliamperium is a unit of electric current that measures the thousandth of an amps.This may sound a bit strange, but with practical examples you can understand it better.

More and more smartphones use 4.000 mah for your battery, something that can be considered as a good amount.

But that this does not take you to deceive, since terminals like the iPhone 12 all are made up of amounts below 3.000 mah.

With this we mean that spending depends a lot on the phone we have and its energy efficiency.

Fast charge

What we call fast charging is that which has been implemented in many smartphones today, with which speeds are achieved when recovering the battery that some years ago were unthinkable.

At present, a mid -range, high or premium smartphone is not understood without this system.But this is where each brand enters, that is, we will have fast charging systems depending on what each manufacturer has decided and the technology you use.

Those who use Snapdragon chips, which are a vast majority, will have available the Quick Charge technology.This standard in its 5 version.0, use double or even triple cell batteries to increase the load and reach amount of 125 w.

Then there are manufacturers such as Oppo that, with its Supervooc system, reaches those same 125 W and does so by fasting two batteries at the same time, or Xiaomi that some time ago announced that it would reach 200 W.

Wireless load

The wireless load consists of loading our terminal without using any type of cable, only with the phone contact and a charger compatible with this system.

This load is to generate an electromagnetic field to emit energy and thus capture it at the other end.

The electromagnetic field is the one that generates the support (wireless loaded) and the receiver is our mobile phone.As simple as that.

As is normal there is also fast charging within wireless load.It is not as fast as the one achieved by cable, but it has developed a lot in recent times.

Inverse load

Using wireless load there are terminals that can make load support, that is, wireless loaded for others.

This means that it is possible, as in the Samsung Galaxy S21, that a phone can load another through the contact of its rear parts.

It is not a particularly fast load, but it can get more than a hurry to someone who is running out of charge and we can share it with it.

Now that you know all the terms and technologies about everything that has to do with the burden of our smartphone, you will understand much better when you read something related to this topic.

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