Home >iphone >With these steps you find your lost iPhone, even if it is off


Time: globisoftware

On: Mar/01/2023

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: I can't turn off the iPhone

What models does it work on?

Apple will now use its low -consumption U1 chip to continue tracking the location of an iPhone even after it is off.This function is enabled by default once you install iOS 15 on a compatible iPhone (iPhone 11 and posterior, including the latest iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro).

When the iPhone goes out, Apple continues to run its low -consumption Bluetooth chip through a personalized safe subprogram.The rest of the device is complete.

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The other part of the equation has to do with the U1 U1 Chip of Apple's U1.As with the Airtags, your iPhone will continue to send cryptographically safe beacons to other Apple devices.And when someone passes near your iPhone off, it will detect those beacons and transmit that information safely using the Find My network.

How to completely turn off your iPhone

Con estos pasos encuentras a tu iPhone perdido, incluso si está apagado

If you want to complete your iPhone phone completely, you can do it in two ways: first, when you go out the iPhone, touch the small button "Iphone Findable After Power Off".From here, you can choose the option “Temporarily deactivate the search” to completely turn off the iPhone only for this time.

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, you must disable the search function. Para hacerlo, abre la aplicación “Configuración” y ve a ID de Apple> iCloud> Buscar mi> Buscar mi iPhone, y desactiva la función “Buscar mi red”.