Home >iphone >What is the best way to load an iPhone?


Time: globisoftware

On: Jun/27/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: can iPhone 7 wireless load

Now, where we do find a determining factor for the deterioration of the battery is in the fast charge.Although Apple is not exactly the company that offers the best times in this area, it offers loads with up to 20 w of power in recent models such as iPhone 12 and 13. As Apple itself advises, it is not advisable to abuse it.

This type of loads deteriorate batteries in less time and although nothing happens to resort to them from time to time, you should not do it regularly if you want health to preserve.Therefore, it is advisable that you use 7.5 w adapters, which are the ones that offer better load times without excessively damaging the battery.Is it served with a 5 w?Perfectly and even better, but you must also keep in mind that these times are quite reduced.

The best advice is ...

The best of all in this area is not to obsess.It is fully understandable that, after spending a lot of money on your mobile, you want to keep it optimized as much as possible.But you should not forget that in the end, do what you do, the battery will end up degrading sooner or later.But both with an iPhone and any other smartphone.

¿Cuál es la mejor forma de cargar un iPhone?

It is always advisable to carry out low power loads as we described above, not to interruption during the process, try not to use it while loading, etc.But in the end you should not become something to take into account at all times, so that you live permanently pending the way you load the device or if health has dropped a percentage.