Home >iphone >Tall!Read this if you have wet the iphone cargo port


Time: globisoftware

On: Aug/28/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can you load the iPhone 12 with an old charger?

Try if loading by cable

Mistake!We understand that after splashing you have many doubts about whether the connector has been saved and you can recharge your iPhone normally, but it is better not to rush.Even if a few minutes have passed since the iPhone has wet and apparently you can think that it is dry, there could still be remains of water.

Connecting the cable to the wet connector could be dangerous because a short circuit would be created.And this, besides that you could finish annoying your device, could also cause problems for your physical integrity.We do not believe that a fire or great explosion will be cause.

Put it in rice

Surely you will have heard it many times, but far from what popular belief says, this is not a good thing.It is usually said that rice helps dry the mobile when it is wet, something that really has its part of scientific evidence, but that in this case it is not enough.In fact it can end up being worse than not putting it in rice.

If inside the iPhone a rice or starch particle is sneak.As we also said in the previous point, nothing serious may happen, but again we believe that it is better not to tempt luck.

Try to dry it with a dryer

Air dryers are excellent devices for hair drying, but not for drying water from a mobile device.Precisely the fact that they are air is the origin and cause that the problem can go to more.If you use it to dry the water port you will be spreading all the water, causing them to even sneak inside, with effects similar to whether you are shaking it as we told you in the first point of this section of things that you should not do.

What is advisable to do to avoid problems

¡Alto! Lee esto si te ha mojado el puerto de carga del iPhone

Important are the things you should not do, but once known is also relevant to know what you can do and even what you should do.At the following points we tell you.

How to dry it correctly

Ideally, you leave the iPhone on a dry surface and, to be able to be, with a towel or something below if it releases water, this being the one that absorbs it.It is ideal that there is no moisture and that it is a warm atmosphere, although it is not advisable that there is too much heat or that the sun directly affects it.

To dry both the iPhone assembly it is advisable.And try to do everything gently, avoiding spreading the water more for the reasons that we already exposed to you in another previous section of this post.

Reproduce a sound to the maximum volume

If you have an Apple Watch, you will have proven that the way you have to get possible liquid inside is to emit a series of acute sounds that make all the water escapes all the speakers.Well, doing the same with the iPhone can also be used to release that liquid and even if it is from the speakers, it will also affect the Lightning connector.

For this it is as simple as open YouTube and look for sounds from a horn or something similar.Reproduce it for about 15 seconds to the maximum possible volume.Obviously another wide range of sounds serves, but we recommend that for being acute and continuous, being ideal to create vibrations that take the water inside.

If the mobile no longer loads after this

Once the iPhone is completely dry you will have tried to load it.If it does not work and you have even tried other cables, obviously the connector has broken down due to water.Here are two important points that you must know after it.

The guarantee does not cover these damages

Even having an iPhone that has a certificate of protection against water, Apple is not responsible for the possible damage caused by it.Therefore, you will have to pay if or if the cost of replacement.And yes, we say replacement and not repair because the company does not repair that damage in question, but offers you another reconditioned device identical to yours and fully functional as if it were new.Therefore the cost will vary depending on the iPhone you have.

This is applicable both in Apple and the SAT, since in other unauthorized stores they could not directly repair the device or, in case of doing so, do not offer guarantees of use of original pieces.Remember in any case to always request information about it to avoid dislikes.

Try the wireless load

The most suitable emergency solution is to load the iPhone in a wireless load base, although as long as you have ensured that there is nothing more than fails in the device.It can be useful between waiting for the appointment with technical support or as a definitive solution if you do not want to pay the cost of the device replacement.

Of course, only the iPhone 8 and later have this possibility of load, so if your terminal is older than this, you will have to resign yourself to paying the repair price or buying a new device.