Home >iphone >Does an antivirus need for the iPhone?


Time: globisoftware

On: Sep/13/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: You can get a virus on your iPhone

There are many apps that promise to protect the mobile from viruses and malware, but with the security measures that the iPhone has integrated, it does not seem so clear that this extra protection is necessary.

Although iPhone can be infected with viruses, the cases in which this happens are very unusual.That is due to the security protections that Apple Ingenia for each version of the iPhone.

Antivirus for iPhone

Applications that claim to scan the mobile in search of viruses do not work on iPhone.This is because Apple's operating system, the well -known iOS, does not allow any application to see what another application is doing, or even know about the existence of another application.With this isolated space approach, there is no way for a security application to scan other applications on your iPhone in search of malware.

Apple takes additional measures to protect users of ADWARE, SPYWARE and other types of malware that stalk in third -party applications.Users can only install applications downloaded from the Official App Store, and Apple closely review each application in search of malware before approved it.

IPhone security

The iPhone has an answer to almost all the functions included in third -party security applications.In some cases, you may have to adjust your configuration to ensure that you are activated.

The iPhone are connected to ICloud, which has a built -in device locator called Find My.Once Find My is activated, users can see the location of each of their Apple devices on a map.To make sure you are enabled, go to settings, press your name and then find my.Then click activated.There you are going to find everything you should do in case of loss or theft of your iPhone.

¿Hace falta un antivirus para el iPhone?

The threat of malicious websites that try to steal your data, especially when open networks are used, it is real.But if you have an iPhone it is not necessary to install a security application to protect you against those sites.Safari, the integrated iPhone browser, has a warning that appears if you have entered a website that tries to execute a type of phishing fraud in which a malicious website tries to supplant a legitimate one and steal your data. Para habilitar la función, vetea Ajustes > Safari > Privacidad y seguridad.Activate the fraudulent website warning button.

Some security applications help users to block their photos and videos away from indiscreet looks by using a six -digit pin.But most iPhone are blocked anyway, either with a pin, touch or face ID.

You don't need an application to do this.Apple does a great job when warning a person before connecting to a wifi network that is not safe.So much so that he points it with a phrase under the name of the network that says Red does not sure.

IPhone configuration

In addition to the aforementioned configurations, iPhone users can make a couple more settings to make sure they keep their mobiles as safe as possible.

Whenever Apple launches a new iOS update, it often repairs the security holes that computer pirates have discovered. Para asegurarse de que las actualizaciones de Apple iOS se instalen automáticamente, vete a Ajustes > General > Actualización de software y active las actualizaciones automáticas.

This is a newer configuration that users can ignore.Avoid a type of attack in which data can be steal through the USB port of the phone when connected to a public charger. Para activar el modo restringido de USB, vete a Ajustes > Touch ID y código de acceso (o Face ID si tu iPhone lo tiene), luego ingresa tu código de acceso.Show down to USB accessories and turn on the switch.

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