Home >iphone >"Do I have to isolate if I already got vaccinated and I had narrow contact?"and other new doubts about COVID-19


Time: globisoftware

On: Jan/28/2023

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: My iPhone can get a virus

In the middle of Covid-19 in the country, and while the vaccination campaign tries China.

Con ayuda del Servicio de Control de Infecciones del Hospital Universitario Austral, Infobae recopiló algunas de las más frecuentes.

1- What symptoms are considered "suspicious" of COVID-19?

- Yesterday Monday, the Ministry of Health of the Nation modified the definition of suspicious case, in consensus with the 24 directors of epidemiology of all the country's jurisdictions.

Así, tras agregar rinitis/congestión nasal, desde ahora se considera caso sospechoso de COVID-19 a toda persona, de cualquier edad, que presente dos o más de los siguientes síntomas: fiebre de 37.5 ° C or more;cough;sore throat;difficulty breathing;headache;Muscle pain;diarrhea and/or vomiting;nasal rhinitis/congestion.In addition to the sudden loss of taste or smell.

2- How is the virus transmitted?

- It is transmitted from one person to another through the drops from the nose or mouths that are fired when the person with the cough virus, sneezes or speaking.

Another possibility is by contact with hands, surfaces or contaminated objects.That is why it is important to maintain social distancing and hygienize objects and surfaces.

3- What prevents vaccination?

-To date, vaccines available in Argentina demonstrated high efficacy against severe infection and death by Sars-COV-2.However, the effectiveness for prevention against minor to moderate infections and asymptomatic infection is lower.

It was also checked in other countries that new circulating variants reduce vaccination efficacy.

Therefore, it is important to receive the vaccine to prevent severe forms, but the use of general general prevention measures must.

4- If I had Covid, and I applied a single dose of vaccine, am I protected?

-It was shown that reinforcement induced by a dose of vaccine after an infection by SARS-COV-2 is such that an efficacy close to 100% is reached.This is the justification that, in some countries, the application of a single dose is being raised to people with a history of infection.

5- What is the risk of getting sick of COVID-19 with one or both doses of the vaccine?

- Approved vaccines evenly demonstrated high efficacy to prevent severe infection and death by COVID-19. Sin embargo, la eficacia para prevenir contra la infección leve/moderada es variable (si bien aumenta con el esquema completo, siendo en este caso entre 62% y 92%).We must also remember that it is possible, even with vaccination, acquire the infection and transmit it, even without symptoms.

6- What happens if you don't call me to receive the second dose?

“¿Tengo que aislarme si ya me vacuné y tuve un contacto estrecho?” y otras nuevas dudas acerca del COVID-19

- After the administration of the first dose, the individual must wait to receive the notification to attend the vaccination.Vaccines that have approval in our country have a minimum dose interval of 21 or 28 days.

After this period, however, it is not necessaryVaccine over the complete scheme of a small group.In this way, it is intended to provide protection to high risk groups against pandemic resurgence. Por eso, se extendió el intervalo entre dosis a tres meses. En lo que respecta al personal de salud, se procurará mantener el intervalo convencional en aquellos que realicen actividad asistencial con alta exposición a SARS-CoV-2 o que manipulen muestras clínicas que puedan contenerlo. Siguiendo esta misma línea, se determinó en las personas con antecedentes de infección por SARS-CoV-2 diferir la vacunación entre tres y seis meses luego del alta.

7- If I got vaccinated with a type of vaccine, can I complete vaccination with another type?

- Give.Some are subjected to clinical trials, while others are only being tested in animals.

However, until the scope of these studies is known, for the moment, each individual will receive the same type of vaccine as in the first dose.

8- Do I have to measure antibodies?

-The antibody test for COVID-19, which is also known as serology test, is a blood test that is done to know if the person had an infection with Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes the disease of the coronavirus2019. Una prueba de anticuerpos no puede determinar si en el momento se está infectado con el virus.After infection with this virus, it can take two to three weeks to develop enough antibodies to detect them in a laboratory test. Aunque estos anticuerpos pueden proporcionar alguna inmunidad contra la enfermedad, actualmente no hay suficiente evidencia para saber cuánto tiempo duran, o si una infección con el virus en el pasado te protegerá de otra infección.

Even if they are unusual, there are some confirmed and suspected cases of reinfection. De tal manera, no se requiere la medición de anticuerpos de manera rutinaria y sólo deberá realizarse ante la solicitud del médico tratante.

9- Can I receive another vaccine along with Covid's?

Any vaccine must be separated 14 days from the vaccine for Covid 19. Por lo tanto, la vacuna antigripal se puede aplicar 14 días antes o después de la vacuna para el COVID19.To date, simultaneous administration with other vaccines is not recommended.

Before the consultation of this media, the infectologist and president of the Argentine Society of Infectology (SADI), Omar Sued (MN 91262) considered that “it is important to maintain the usual schemes and that all older people who have an indication of flu vaccineand pneumonia are received ".

And after pointing out that "any person over 65 has to be vaccinated against flu and pneumococcThey have to repeat this year, but the antigripal must be applied ”.

With him coincided with infectologist Lautaro de Vedia (MN 70640), who acknowledged that “this whole situation is new so what must be followed are the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, which perhaps over time can be modified, but before theLack of evidence in many ways it was decided that there must be 14 days of minimum difference between one vaccine and the other ”.

“Se desconoce si hay interacciones o factores que puedan ser negativos como consecuencia de aplicarlas juntas o en periodos menores así que esa es la recomendación”, insistió el experto del Hospital Muñiz y ex presidente de la Sadi.

10- What is being close contact?

- Para considerarse contacto estrecho de alto riesgo de un caso positivo se deben dar las siguientes condiciones a la vez: que dentro de las 48 horas previas al inicio de los síntomas, la o las personas hayan estado sin barbijo, por más de 15 minutos a menos de 1,5 metros de distancia.

11- If I am a close contact of a positive with which I live, what should I do?

- Before the case of a positive cohabitant, all family members must be isolated.As far as possible, the isolation must be fulfilled separately from the positive case.If so, the high of the cohabiting ones (by narrow contact) is 10 days from the last contact. En aquellos casos en los cuales no sea factible la separación (por lo general en niños pequeños), el conviviente debe mantener aislamiento por 10 días desde el alta del paciente. En caso de que el contacto estrecho presente síntomas dentro del período mencionado, debe acudir al centro de salud y allí le indicarán los pasos a seguir.

12- In case of narrow contact of a positive positive, what should I do?

- Whenever there is a high -risk narrow contact (that is, exposure without chinSave isolation.The same will be extended for 10 days from the last contact and should not be made swap in the absence of symptoms. Si durante el aislamiento la persona desarrolla dos o más síntomas se lo considerará como caso confirmado por criterio clínico epidemiológico sin necesidad de realizar un hisopado.They are exceptions to this definition, and they must be made to be made, who are included in the following groups:

- Patients with clinical internment criteria

- Patients with risk factors

- pregnant

- Health personnel

- Essential personnel

13- I am vaccinated and I had close contact with a relative/friend Covid positive, what should I do?

- After the application of the COVID-19 vaccine there is a low risk of contracting the virus, although the vaccinated person can be a carrier of the virus and infect others.Anyway, it is still necessary to investigate more to understand the immunity that the vaccine provides and how much that protection lasts. Por lo tanto, es necesario mantener las precauciones para prevenir la propagación y, en este caso, la persona que tuvo el contacto estrecho debe quedar en aislamiento recomendado de 10 días.

“La indicación es que tanto el vacunado como el que tuvo COVID, ante un contacto estrecho de riesgo tiene que hacer el aislamiento”, precisó De Vedia.

14- How do you delimit a safe bubble?

- It is very difficult to delimit a safe bubble with the current rhythm and social interactions.Bubbles constantly overlap. Por este motivo, fuera de los convivientes, siempre debemos mantener las medidas de prevención: barbijo, distanciamiento social, higiene de manos y superficies.

15- How long should I wait to swop since the beginning with the symptoms?

- Before symptoms compatible with COVID-19, the exact time in which the consultation must be maintained is not established (insulation must be maintained until the hiophap). Sin embargo, la recomendación es que, si la persona consulta y el hisopado es negativo, pero persisten los síntomas, mantenga aislamiento por 48 horas y, si los mismos no ceden o progresan, vuelva a consultar.

16- How to disinfect objects for daily use, such as cell phones, keys, spots, etc..?

- For cell phone cleaning you can use a cloth or fabric and a 70% alcohol solution.Cell phones and other plastic objects can be washed with soap and water or detergent.The handles, pácoportes, keys and metal elements can be cleaned with a rag with diluted lavandina (2 spoons in 1 liter of water if it is lavandine with 55gr/ liter concentration, of using a commercial lavandina with a concentration of 25 g/ l, the double volume of lavandina must be placed).It is recommended to clean them daily.


¿Es posible combinar dos dosis de distintas vacunas?Vacunas antigripal y contra el COVID-19: ¿por qué no pueden superponerse las dosis?